A collection of cool websites I found, which might inspire your next project

Made it from metal , has a huge amount of useful information, everything  you need to know about making projects from metal. Learn something new from one of the best!

Great site if you want to simulate or make some gears. Lots of parameters can be changed, and you can export the drawings as a DXF so you can can easily import them into a CAD program  to be modified for use in a 3D printer  or laser cutter. 

Circuit Lab is a free electronics simulator and schematic editor. It also has lots of tutorials and videos for the for the beginner and the expert . Amazingly user friendly and simple for even the novice  or hobbyist to dive into.

Core electronics has a great  Arduino Workshop, where you'll be able to follow a guided course which covers everything you'll need to know in order to create your own Arduino projects.

Stuck at home or just looking for something quick and easy to make, Jessy ratfink has put together a great collection of projects you can do from home

A very cool online maze generator, that makes a maze to your specifications, Can be downloaded in different formats and used to make a maze in a CAD program  and sent to the laser cutter or CNC machine.

Online engineering calculator for just about everything,  Also has a template generator One of the most useful websites for your next project

How to make a camping heater, great instructions on making an alcohol burner

Looking for a unique project here is the link to instructable maker tomatoskins with over 80 projects to get you started.

In this instructable Nirl will show you how to make your own roll-top pencil case. I think that the roll-top pencil case I made turned out really nice - it has a one-of-a-kind look, and most importantly, opening and closing the rolling shutter makes the most satisfying sound

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